How “Anemia” Saved a Boy’s Self Esteem

Inside an old classroom in an elementary school in the little town of Bilar, a little boy was sitting on the left side of the first desk on the third row. It was just supposed to be one of those typical mornings where everyone has settled after the flag ceremony and his teacher would start her sermon on ‘good manners and right conduct’. For him, that day was a little bit strange because the daily teachers’ meeting seemed longer than usual yet he could feel a sense of rush going on.

Finally, he saw his classroom adviser enter the room with the school principal. That made the morning even more bizarre.  The school principal should be in his office by that time. He suddenly felt his heart beginning to beat faster as though he was in trouble. In focused silence, he started bringing to mind whether he’s done something that may have upset the teachers.

“So it’s really him,” the principal said, somewhat Continue reading

Speaking of Regrets

If today was the day you died, what would you regret and why?

It’s such a profound, mind blowing question I didn’t literally and openly ask myself each time I meditate about my life. Francis Chan presented this question in his book “Crazy Love” (which was mentioned last Sunday during the church sermon, thanks Dennis) and I find it so amazing to realize how God uses other people to bring light to others. For the past 72 hours I have been quietly mulling over this question, (and again) attempting to find my own answers.

If today was the day I died, what would I Continue reading